ARCHIVES: This is legacy content from before Sustainable Cities Collective was relaunched as Smart Cities Dive in early 2017. Some information, such as publication dates or images, may not have migrated over. For the latest in smart city news, check out the new Smart Cities Dive site or sign up for our daily newsletter.

Hillside Terraced Green Roofs

Via Inhabitat: "Austrian architects Tobias Weiss and Gernot Reisenhofer have designed a beautiful series of terraced hillside homes that save energy by blending into their environment. Nestled against the surrounding hills, each green-roofed apartment takes advantage of passive solar design, rainwater recycling, and photovoltaic sunshades."

:: images via Inhabitat

More images and text at Inhabitat: "The community’s terraced layout ensures that each apartment has a beautiful view, complete with a stretch of green space out front that doubles as an insulating green roof for the unit below. The roofs are populated with local plants and feature rainwater recycling systems that help water the plants and provide greywater for use in the apartments. A series of pedestrian walkways winds between these rooftop parks, encouraging the use of sustainable transportation and creating a tightly knit community."

:: images via Inhabitat

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