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10 Ways that Cities can Take Advantage of the Urban Manufacturing Revival


My good friends over at Distl here in Toronto have recently published their first Insight Report. It’s called, Make This City: The State of Urban Manufacturing, and it’s available via free download here. I like the title ;)

The report is 39 pages and is really well put together. There’s research, case studies spanning San Francisco to Toronto, and some great takeaways for city builders.

Since the internet likes listicles, here’s a preview of some of those takeaways – 10 ways that cities can take advantage of the urban manufacturing revival: 

  1. Preserve urban industrial areas
  2. Focus on the niche
  3. Public investment is a good investment
  4. Think mixed-use
  5. Diversify learning
  6. Redefine industrial assets
  7. Connect supplier & retailer
  8. Leverage your city’s brand
  9. Form supportive organizations
  10. Leverage partnerships with both the private and public sectors

But it’s definitely worth a complete read and I plan to do exactly that this weekend. Click here to download Make This City.