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Public Art on the Public Transit Systems of Lagos

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems is a 'transport system' that is rapidly being adopted by many governments and cities around to world to solve commuting and human movement problems within their cities. Not only does BRT offer another form of transport, it is also a cost-effective, yet powerful transport system for cash-strapped developing countries who are experiencing the fastest growth in population numbers. We have previously looked at different BRT station designs from around the world, now we'll look at some of the art and other types of related media incorporate with BRT systems.

With the first post we take a look at Nigeria's most populous city, Lagos's BRT system and the interesting art project by Karo Akpokiere's SeekProject. Lagos's BRT system is considered the first BRT system of its kind on the African continent, having introduced its services to the public in 2008. Back to the art, the SeekProject art on the Lagos BRT buses, were realised as part of The Goethe-Institut for the Nigerian 50th year anniversary celebrations and the Lagos Live Arts Festival that was held in December of 2012.

Described by Karo as 'an art gallery in motion', the project took different drawings by Karo and placed these on buses. The idea was to 'take art out of the gallery into the public space and facilitate new connections between artists and the audience'. So far the response has been very positive, and although the project's initial plan was to keep the art on for the months of November and December in 2012 – the drawings have never been taken off from the buses.

Karo, who is from Nigeria, wants to make this an annual design project for the Lagos BRT, and want to involve local as well as international artists. At the moment, the financial viability of this project is withholding this dream and would need sponsorship. However, Future Cape Town believes that a project like this could easily be used to create ambition and recognition among young artists.

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The video at the top also contains a short segment detailing the transport art project.

See the SeekProject page for the BRT art project.