Dan Burden, Articulate on How to Create Walkable Communities
Kaid Benfield, Special Counsel for Urban Solutions, Washington, DC
Americans walk less on a regular basis than the residents of almost every other comparable country. We're also one of the most unfit and overweight countries in the world. We need to address both issues at once by making our communities more walkable. Unfortunately, that can be a tall order in some cities and suburbs that have been designed to prioritize automobile traffic, and in which walking is inconvenient and dangerous.
In the excellent video below, produced by Smart Growth America, Dan Burden explains what we need to do, with an emphasis on establishing models. You can't find a better source of expertise on the subject: Dan is likely the nation's most recognized authority on walkability, bicycle & pedestrian programs, street corridor & intersection design, traffic flow & calming, road diets, and other planning elements that affect roadway environments. Dan has 37 years of experience in designing neighborhoods, villages, and cities for more active, interactive, and healthy living.
Enjoy and learn: