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DC area's LEED-ND projects, mapped

location of LEED-ND projects in DC metro area (image via Google Earth, markings by me)

We are fortunate to have a number of projects in the Washington, DC area that are participating in the LEED for Neighborhood Development pilot program, which evaluates and, where warranted, certifies environmentally superior land development.  By my count, eight residential and mixed-use area projects have been certified, with another ten (or eleven, if you separate the two overlapping Fort Belvoir projects) registered for eventual rating.  The locations of those certified are marked on the image above with yellow push-pins and named; those pending are marked with little purple blobs.

Certified gold:

Other certified:

The Yards, under construction (via JDLand)  Parkside, as planned (by Bank of America, courtesy Washington DC Economic Partnership)


Most of these are redevelopment projects, which is good – they tend to have lower environmental impacts, and LEED-ND is designed to encourage them – but quite a few are suburban.  The recession has slowed some of them, unfortunately, but it is great to know that the program has strong support in my base market.  The US Green Building Council maintains lists of registered and certified projects (unless the applicant has requested otherwise) on its LEED-ND web site.

Move your cursor over the images for credit information.

Kaid Benfield writes (almost) daily about community, development, and the environment.  For more posts, see his blog's home page