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Public Transit and the Economic Impact of Tramlines

Nottingham Express Transit

Tramways have a greater impact on communities than local governments give them. Tramways connect people and business in a way that no other physical medium can. These electric transportation vessels revitalize and help refurbish and reshape not only businesses and surrounding streets, but also business models and the identities of cities. Nottingham Express Transit or NET, is planning for a 2014 expansion of its current route.

Urban planning and urban renewal meet at the apex of planning when tramways are concerned. Political visioning for sustainable development is reached perfectly with tramways. It easily assists urban planners in the development of innovative urban mobility and regeneration projects. Currently, NET is not as widespread throughout the city as most tramways are seen to be. In a previous article by Global Site Plans, the focus of modernising Nottingham was brought to light. One way in which reshaping the economy in Nottinghamshire could be realised is through the expansion of its tramway.

61,000 is the approximate number of students (from the University of Nottingham and University of Nottingham Trent) that reside in Nottingham. As the Market Watch report states, students are climbing with consumer spending power. With an expansion to the University of Nottingham and living communities of students, businesses would see a rise in sales. Both the campuses of Nottingham University and the living quarters for students are not within close proximity to the city centre, thus limiting the frequency and amount of students that visit daily.

Nottingham Express Transit Map

The expansion would have not only a financial impact, but also an environmental one. During the late night and early mornings, taxis dominate the streets taking celebrating pedestrians home. If NET was to see an expansion into newer areas, especially those in the college communities, in addition to extending its operating hours, it would lower the need and use of taxis on the road, helping Nottingham lower its carbon emission levels.

As Nottingham pushes forward with its urban renewal efforts, it must continue to keep in mind the economic impacts of its efforts and more importantly its cost efficient resources and assets.

In what way could your city be transformed with a stronger strategic vision of its tramway?

Credits: Images and data linked to sources.